Abby - braveAbacus's website

About Me

Hello there! I'm Abby and sometimes I go by braveAbacus (they/them). I share my projects, fanfics, personal thoughts, and more.

Feel free to explore and connect with me through my social media xD

Hi There!

==> Your name is ABBY. Your birthday is on JANUARY 9TH, currently navigating the path to becoming a SOFTWARE ENGINEER. You find yourself pondering whether having a HOMESTUCK-style self-introduction is a testament to your current interests.

==> You have a PASSION FOR DRAWING, mostly characters and fanarts. Using TRADITIONAL tools like MARKERS, pen, pencil, and colored CRAYONS, though you rarely dabble in digital art. You're deeply into NERDY AND GEEKY STUFF, with a love for micro-management games, turn-based RPGs, visual novels, and pretty much anything that piques your interest.

==> And CARTOON SHOWS AND COMICS too you guess, especially Franco-Belgian ones, those ones are really close to your heart. After surviving two years of intense cram school, you still enjoy doing MATHS AND SOLVING PUZZLES, even if you sometimes feel like you're living under a rock.


News Log


Added new button "[FR] Notes de Cours" and new section of School notes

Added (of course) today's note (using LateX baby)

Added an old (originally created in 03/08/2024) file of advice for CPGE students preparing their TIPE [FR][AR]

Removed all of that, and implemented a search bar system xP

Added new tag [TRANSLATION] and [ENSIAS]

(Note to self: dust off the spaghetti code)


Made (and added) my CV!

Added Icons and cool CSS effects to my socials :D

Made and added a PicMix GIF... Making one is oddly therapeutic


Added the [VID] tag for video content

Made (and refined) the Github page to host the Homestuck Epilogues French translation

Updated my socials

Archived my Notion (old) CPGE notes


Dusted off this website a bit ^^'

Made Projects section more readable

Added 'Remember longcat, Jane?' translation to the website

I finished translating the Epilogues' Prologue and their Content Warnings... the real question is: MEAT or CANDY? xP

Moved the 'Fanfic' to the 'Projects' section and added the tag [FANFIC]


Added Ko-fi!

Linked my (old) strawpage websites

Added CPGE related stuff (Comptes Rendus/TIPE) and my ResearchGate profile

Added tags [FR], [CPGE], [AR] and [ENG] for readability

Started (and finished) translating Homestuck Beta in Arabic


Added (even more) Paradox Space French Translation comics

Fixed (or rather, replaced) mobile swipe


Added Paradox Space French Translation comics

Added Homestuck Epilogues French Translation


Prototyping the Cookbook Concept.

Open Diary


Today felt overwhelming. After classes, I took a nap and had a lot of vivid dreams. We also got to meet some alumni and connect with older students, which was pretty cool. Overall, I feel satisfied with how things are going, but at the same time, I feel a bit directionless. I’m not sure what exactly to focus on or how to move forward. I guess it's something I’ll figure out step by step as I go. :)


I've settled into my room, and so far, despite everything, I'm still very happy with the choice I've made to go to my current engineering school. There are moments when the pressure feels a bit intense and currently my expectations are mixed. Yet, there's a strange comfort in this challenge. For the first time in a long while, I feel like I'm building the stairs to where I'm supposed to be.

These walls represents more than just an academic pursuit; it's a step towards the person I want to become. Every day is a reminder that I choose this, I choose this for myself and I am currently walking on the path I've chosen for msyelf, not just following the one laid out for me. I'm learning not just about software engineering, but about me, about how to carve out a space for myself even when it feels like the walls are closing in.

It's not always easy, especially when I think about the layers of my identity and the ways they intersect with the environment I'm in. But being here, in this room, in this school, is my declaration of independence. Heck, this personal blog, it's me saying that I refuse to fit into boxes that others might want to place me in. I am here as me, an artist, a programmer, a dreamer—living openly, even if just in small ways for now, of just being unapologetically myself.

Point is, I am choosing to embrace this chapter with all its messiness and beauty. Because, despite the challenges, I am growing. And right now, that's more than enough.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”
― Dr. Seuss 


Welp, a lot of things happened, but then again, not that much. Officially joined a Comp-Sci school (🎉), tried posting stuff on Tumblr, which to be honest, I think most Homestuck folks are there. Oh yeah, and I uploaded a vid on Youtube (of a very ugly animatic/storyboard but let's not talk about that).

I learned a lot making Homestuck Epilogues french translation website on github. And that was a LOT of fun to make... I still need to share my localization notes...


It's very nice building a website from scratch, you get to learn so many new things! And having to use HTML (plus BBCode and CSS) on AO3 and MSPFA is kinda cool too!

I never thought Notepad ++ is a good translation tool, but welp, here we are xD

ooh... aaand, I really need to compile somewhere my notes on Homestuck characters typing quirks in french... like, there is a LOT of potential... think of "b1" (read: 'bien'- good). That's literally the equivalent of Vriska's "gr8" (read: 'great'- superbe).

aaand, like, translating is super cool... when translating Dirk's long(ass) rant about memes... I found myself needing to change the word 'capture', etymology wise, and, woah, doing some fancy word research is very fun!

I know this website is like 80% english, but I would really love to actually make it trilingual! I mean, yeah you could rely on machine translation, but, I think it's much cooler to have a human version... like, actually a breathing someone behind the screen telling you stuff they really like.

Alright, that's more or less it... ooh... and school's starting soon. I'm excited for it, but also kinda (understandably) nervous? The iffy part is that I won't have as much time to do this random Homestuck stuff I like doing... the plus side is I would (maybe, probably, HOPEFULLY) learn some ACTUAL software development tricks... and hey, maybe an excuse to share my thoughts online on it?

It's been real guys, take care ✨


Translating comics actually helped me understand better how text formatting and bubble speech work. I think that knownledge would be particularly useful for any future comics projects :)

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