==> Abby: Welcome webpage visitors
Hi There!

==> Your name is ABBY. Your birthday is on JANUARY 9TH, currently navigating the path to becoming a SOFTWARE ENGINEER. You find yourself pondering whether having a HOMESTUCK-style self-introduction is a testament to your current interests.

==> You have a PASSION FOR DRAWING, mostly characters and fanarts. Using TRADITIONAL tools like MARKERS, pen, pencil, and colored CRAYONS, though you rarely dabble in digital art. You're deeply into NERDY AND GEEKY STUFF, with a love for micro-management games, turn-based RPGs, visual novels, and pretty much anything that piques your interest.

==> And CARTOON SHOWS AND COMICS too you guess, especially Franco-Belgian ones, those ones are really close to your heart. After surviving two years of intense cram school, you still enjoy doing MATHS AND SOLVING PUZZLES, even if you sometimes feel like you're living under a rock.