(30/08/2024-02/09/2024) JuneDave (pepsicola) fanfic inspired by that bike love story I've heard on NYT podcast: Modern Love.
NON CANON COMPLIANT where June and Jade are college roomies (because I said so) hahaha of course it's SELF INDULGENT

JuneDave (pepsicola) fanfic inspired by stories I hear on NYT podcast: Modern Love.
NON CANON COMPLIANT where June and Jade are college roomies (because I said so), SUPER SELF INDULGENT


JUNE: jade...?

I felt my voice softer than usual... I wish it came out like this more often.

JUNE: can you keep a secret...?
JADE: oh no!
JADE: did something happen??? :(

I never really told anyone about this... but... "Jade... understands..." I hoped.

JUNE: no
JUNE: well something did happen

I clasped my hands together, knowing I didn’t sound convincing. The silence hung heavily in the air, and I couldn’t bring myself to look at Jade.

JUNE: but
JUNE: that was a while ago
JUNE: i think

Jade had a way of being patient, of just listening...

JUNE: im sorry

My fingers nervously played with the hem of my skirt.

JADE: for what??? :o

I don't know... but I feel --know-- I'd something wrong.

JADE: take it easy

Jade's hands were warm over mine, like a nice blanket in winter. I felt cold. I heard the rustling of clothes as she adjusted her position to face me.

JADE: im here june
JADE: whatever it is
JADE: im listening
JADE: :)

Just like that, I felt my brain shaking. I took a deep breath, memories swirling back, warm and bittersweet.

JUNE: it was a few summers ago...
JUNE: before i
JUNE: i knew who i am
JUNE: and who ive always been

With each word, the memories grew clearer... and with them, a familiar pair of aviators.

JUNE: it started with dave...
JADE: well...
JADE: it always starts with dave, doesnt it?

Jade chuckled, but there was an edge to it, something almost melancholic. I felt a pang of guilt, bringing back old memories... like mine didn’t matter anymore. "did they ever matter?"

Jade’s hand found mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.

JADE: june
JADE: you dont have to hold back
JADE: im right here
JADE: with my friend :D


JUNE: before the end of everything
JUNE: you could even say
JUNE: that was before the beginning
JUNE: ...
JUNE: i found someone who made it all feel like it mattered
JUNE: I was 13 and just starting to figure out who I was
JUNE: beyond the mirror that is

Dad and I were living in a small, boring town that felt like the universe was trapped in one place, suffocating and never-ending at the same time.

JUNE: dave moved in that summer
JUNE: into the house next to mine

A stupid smile crept onto my lips, and Jane noticed, mirroring it.

JUNE: dave was... different
JUNE: but like
JUNE: familiarly?
JADE: familiarly?
JUNE: in a way that was familiar
JUNE: kinda like a song you hear for the first time and already know the lyrics to

The first time I saw him, he was sitting on the sidewalk, flipping through his new phone with that cool, disinterested vibe. He was wearing his usual sunglasses, even though it was late afternoon and the sun was sinking behind the clouds. "what a dork" I thought. I was on my way back from an errand, lost in thoughts too big for my head, when he looked up at me.

DAVE: sup

I blinked, surprised... heck...

JUNE: open-mouthed... and he said something like "close that you dont wanna a fly to ninja its way there"
JUNE: i dunno
JUNE: probably something dumber :B
JUNE: but i laughed
JADE: hahahaha
JADE: he havent changed much, did he?
DAVE: so are you just gonna walk around looking all broody as a menopausal hen

I blinked again.

JOHN: um... no?
DAVE: cool
DAVE: come on up
JOHN: ...huh?
DAVE: i got this new game thats supposed to be super pretentious
DAVE: intentional overuse of cliches
DAVE: gratuitous nudity and of course
DAVE: comically grotesque yet the sublimely redemptive violence
DAVE: real pompatus shit
DAVE: we can distillate it to fine ironic gods nectar liquor

And just like that, we were friends.

JUNE: or maybe something more than friends...?
JUNE: dave wasnt really straight with his feelings
JADE: i can see that

Though I didn’t have the words for it back then. We spent the rest of that summer playing video games, making fun of terrible movies, and talking about things that didn't seem to matter to anyone else.

JADE: it seems fun
JUNE: it was
JUNE: he was


One day, we were sitting on my bedroom floor, the afternoon light slanting through the curtains. Dave was leaning against my bed, his sunglasses pushed up on his head, focused on beating the 1989 Prince of Persia we’d been stuck on for days.

JOHN: dave

I started, my voice quieter than I intended.

DAVE: yup

He didn't look away from the screen, his shades mirroring the pixel dungeons we've grown very familiar of. I couldn't tell if he was looking my way, but he was certainly listening. Dave had this way of being completely absorbed in what he was doing, while also being hyper-aware of everything else. It was one of the things I liked most about him...

JUNE: that and maybe his stupid thicc texan accent too
JADE: hahahaha XD
JOHN: say
JOHN: if i were a princess
JOHN: captured by jaffar
JOHN: would you still save me
JOHN: i mean...
JOHN: you know
JOHN: stay days
JOHN: trying to beat this dungeon
JOHN: gosh
JOHN: do i make sense?
JOHN: what i mea-
DAVE: why r u asking tho
DAVE: of course

I smiled a little at that, but my heart was racing. This was it. I had to say it, or I’d burst.

JOHN: i mean
JOHN: what ifs scenarios
JOHN: just asking
DAVE: then i can be jaffar
DAVE: cause the sultan got the finest girl
DAVE: my bro john
DAVE: plus i bet 99% quit this game
DAVE: so like jaffar (me) has more chances
DAVE: i mean yeah coercion is bad
DAVE: stealing your girl literally and metaphorically like shes some sort of fine industry copper wires
DAVE: but^2
DAVE: jaffar put so much work on his goddamn awful dungeon
DAVE: yeah the hero might have like infinite lives as much as his coldblooded patience can go
DAVE: over nine thousands trials and alternative lives and he still ends up bitchless
DAVE: so sad
DAVE: ...
DAVE: nobody asks her if she cool with that
DAVE: are you cool princess
JOHN: uuh
JOHN: if its you i dont think i will mind???
JOHN: just dont lock me in a dungeon please
JOHN: i dont like being grounded
DAVE: too late
DAVE: the thrones mine now
DAVE: that was a ruse
JOHN: oh no :B
DAVE: ...

We stayed silent for a bit, I was listening to the clicking of Dave's controller.

JUNE: that was weird to ask
JUNE: thinking about it
JADE: why
JUNE: maybe thats why he didnt want to talk
JUNE: or maybe he needed time to process what he just said
JUNE: or maybe probably im just overthinking it
JADE: its not your fault :(
JUNE: i know
JUNE: i just i wish i knew it earlier

I could hear my pulse pounding in my ears amidst the silence. I had to say something, anything to get it to shut up.

JOHN: sorry
JOHN: that was...
JOHN: a stupid idea
JOHN: ...
JOHN: to think that
JOHN: haha
DAVE: about what
JOHN: the.. uuh...
DAVE: your self insert PoP fanfic
DAVE: that was a question
DAVE: not sorry for my yuk yuk monotone voice that makes it indifferentiable
DAVE: but yeah about that
DAVE: well not yours anymore i guess
DAVE: since we agreed im jaffar
DAVE: the fanfic is our unholy child
DAVE: the baby is you john
DAVE: my bad its her majesty princess june queen of cake and pastry since your royalty now
JOHN: ewwwwwwwwww noooo!
JOHN: not cakes!
DAVE: well your dad sure is the king of crocker™ products they really should advertise him so yeah princess june it is
DAVE: like think about it
DAVE: imagine the princess and jaffar chilling in her bedroom like that
DAVE: playing hell-sent platformers
DAVE: all that while that unnamed convicted fellow protagonist isnt invited to the cool party im having with princess june
DAVE: well not fellow more like felon
DAVE: hes convicted for unnamed charges so they must be unspeakably serious
JOHN: haha
JOHN: yeah :B
JOHN: i mean jaffar is the only video game character here with a name
JOHN: ...
JOHN: do you think the princess dont leave her room because shes scared ?
DAVE: if i had a hot bod like her yeah i would be scared too
JOHN: well no!!!
JOHN: the opposite of hot!
JOHN: what if i wasnt as good looing as other princesses???
DAVE: well i dont think a princess have to listen to what they say to her
DAVE: ur not a disney princess june
DAVE: sorry princess june*
DAVE: screw what anyone else thinks
JUNE: ...

I felt this wave of relief wash over me, like I’d been holding my breath for years and didn’t even know it. I wanted to tell him everything, about how I’d been feeling, about how sometimes I’d look in the mirror and see someone who... cant't be me. But the words got stuck, so I just said...

JUNE: "thanks"
JUNE: i dont think he thought too much about it
JUNE: probably forgot this whole thing
JADE: hahaha
JADE: "princess" june ;)
JADE: hahaha
JUNE: he was the first person to call me that
JUNE: june felt right
JUNE: like slipping into something that was mine and always had been
JUNE: kinda like that dopamine rush you get when you pick a cloth and its just the right fit
JADE: hahaha x)
JUNE: yeah!
JUNE: he would ever since call me that
JUNE: in public too!!!
JUNE: at first i was a bit scared of people catching up
JUNE: but his reputation made him get away with almost everything
JUNE: so
JUNE: i didnt correct him
JUNE: and i never would

After that, things were different between us, but in a way that felt right, like everything had clicked into place. The rest of that summer was a blur of endless games, late-night conversations, and the warmth of Dave’s presence. He was my best friend, and I thought that was all it would ever be. But deep down, I knew... that I wanted something more.

JUNE: holy fuck jade
JUNE: i... i think i fell in love with him
JUNE: even though i didnt know it back then!
JADE: does it make sense?
JUNE: it so hella does now

But at the time, I was too scared to admit it, even to myself.

JUNE: he was so confident so sure of who he was...
JUNE: nothing like me
JUNE: and I was just a kid
JUNE: an empty shell
JUNE: still figuring everything out
JUNE: so I pushed those feelings down deep inside where they couldnt hurt me

But they did. They hurt like hell.

JUNE: i never told him jade.
JADE: june... :(
JUNE: i was waiting for the right time
JUNE: but good things come to those who wait
JUNE: not those who wait too long

As the summer began to wind down, I started to feel this gnawing sense of dread in the pit of my stomach. I didn’t want it to end-this bubble we’d created where everything was okay and I could just be June with him. But I knew that school would start soon, and everything would change.

JUNE: it always did


One evening, the day before the first day of school, we were in front of my Dad's house. Dave was messing with his camera, browsing the pics he just took for his video projects, he wanted to be an art student I recall. I was quiet, I don't remember very well what I was thinking.

JUNE: but, i knew i felt sad and i knew i shouldnt let it show

He took off his shades casually and examined the camera lens. I looked over at him, his head was bended, I could only see his soft hair trail down his forehead elegantly, it did distract me from staring off into space.

DAVE: june u good

I couldn't anything for a moment. He just slightly lifted his head to looked at me. I could barely see his expression.

JUNE: im fine
JUNE: dont worry about it
JUNE: did the camera fell ?

I turned my head to look away. Suprisingly, the dull decor of the surrounding neighborhood felt much more comfortable than looking at him. I wish he wore his usual shades then, maybe I would have felt more confident.

DAVE: since when did you like my ironic movies june
DAVE: gosh im really flattered
DAVE: make sure to sponsor my movies princess
DAVE: read sic
DAVE: quit your crap princess
DAVE: why are you so quiet

I hesitated, then finally blurted out.

JUNE: i just dont want this summer to end

He sighed audibly, with half chuckle. I could distinctively see a faint smile traced on his lips, some of his crooked teeth showing.

DAVE: miss your knight already
DAVE: aww
JUNE: that was cheesy!!! geez!!!
DAVE: much less than con air oneliners tho
DAVE: swiss fromage be cryin rn

Dave laughed. His head rolled back as he clutched his stomach and hide his eyes, laughing...

JADE: hahahaha no way
JUNE: YES way!!!
JUNE: the same guy who keep staring at try not to laugh compilation vids like someone got shot
JUNE: and then tells you "man that was a the laugh of the century"
JUNE: staying with him for so long i swear you have to watch out his breathing rythm to catch whenever hes laughing or not
JADE: in a way, hes stand up comedians worst nightmare???
JUNE: you mean DREAM
JUNE: as a professional hobbyist prankster you really gauge your entertainment value
JUNE: oh gosh were getting off tracks
JUNE: so anyway...
DAVE: june christ in a sidecar
DAVE: yeah i know
DAVE: about summer ending or whatever
DAVE: but like not everything has to change or some shit
DAVE: we will still hang out sis
DAVE: nothings gotta be different
DAVE: pff
DAVE: drama queen
DAVE: emphasis on queen
DAVE: since we still be roleplaying that royalty thing
JUNE: but thats not a joke!
JUNE: nor pretend!
JUNE: its
DAVE: ironic i know
JUNE: no!!!!!
JUNE: thats real
DAVE: how real is it
JUNE: pretty goddamn real!
DAVE: ...
DAVE: oh
DAVE: fuck
DAVE: wait youre serious
JUNE: dave look i need you to swear-
DAVE: heh of course
DAVE: fuck
JUNE: look david elizabeth strider
JUNE: that is NOT an appropriate time for jokes
DAVE: my b
JUNE: i...
JUNE: look i
JUNE: why is this so hard?

Dave reached into his pocket, pulling out something small, I couldn't discern what it was until he jiggled it before my eyes.

JUNE: thats a-
DAVE: picolas cage

I didn't knew which way to look. On one hand, I had before me the...

JADE: the what???
JADE: a real pickle?
JUNE: no it was picolas cage
JUNE: i mean
JUNE: where do i even start?


DAVE: one of the most eccentric actors
DAVE: which footnote ur crush obv is a fine 9 on richter scale but who am i to judge right
DAVE: and so you mash him up with of all things a pickle
DAVE: a pickle june
DAVE: i turned cage into a pickle june
DAVE: and keychained him so you can hang him
DAVE: well not hang hang
DAVE: you get the idea
DAVE: on your backpack
DAVE: or ironic purse now
DAVE: or put him with your nic cage collection altar
DAVE: so yeah thats why im offering you the pinacle of irony
DAVE: i know youre looking at it rn
DAVE: yeah breathtaking i know
DAVE: and youre probably having all those questions like
DAVE: is this meant to be funny
DAVE: or is it so unfunny that it loops back around to being hilarious
DAVE: youre so deep in the irony that you dont even know whats real anymore
DAVE: but now he’s embodied as a pickle
DAVE: a literal icon of pickled irony wh-

Dave just kept rambling and rambling about that pickle. He mistook my silence for interest for his ironic gift. But I weren't looking at the keychain, rather through them.

JUNE: i hardly remember anything of what he said
JUNE: how could i?
JUNE: with those...
JUNE: um...
JADE: hm :?
JUNE: im kinda ashamed to admit it but
JUNE: i was distracted
JUNE: i was staring at...
JUNE: those eyes jade
JUNE: the kind of red that just pulls you in like a sunset you could stare at forever
JUNE: and they strangely make you feel soo seen
JUNE: gosh
JUNE: no wonder he hid them so much
JUNE: he looks so vulnerable
JUNE: like i could see through him
JADE: soooooooo...
JADE: did you compliment his eyes?
JUNE: oh fuck no
JUNE: i just nodded and prayed he didnt notice
JUNE: thank god he was deep rambling he didnt caught me
JUNE: uhm... staring

So school was there a couple of days after that and, I wore the keychain on my backpack, feeling like it was a little piece of him with me. But when I looked for him at lunch, he wasn’t there. I didn’t see him all day, and when I walked home, his house was quiet, no sign of him anywhere.

I tried to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. The school days stretched on, and I kept waiting, kept hoping he’d show up, but he never did. It was like he’d vanished, leaving only that keychain behind, like some kind of ghost... I tried knocking on his house but... only his brother would show up, give me a condescending look and... just close the door.

I sat on my bed, staring at the keychain and feeling that familiar twist of confusion, anger, and something else I didn’t want to name. He’d promised. He said nothing had to change, but it did. Everything did.

Weeks later, I heard from a mutual friend that Dave had moved. Just like that. No goodbye, no explanation. He was gone.

JUNE: why he left and why he didnt tell me...
JUNE: i had a feeling
JUNE: or rather...
JUNE: i know the answers
JUNE: but i dont want to hear them
JUNE: theyre very painful to think of
JUNE: i just kept
JUNE: pushing myself to
JUNE: think
JUNE: that somehow
JUNE: if i could
JUNE: do things differently
JUNE: i mean
JUNE: where did i go wrong jade
JUNE: i think
JUNE: no- i
JUNE: i know
JUNE: in school
JUNE: dave
JUNE: couldnt
JUNE: agh!!!!!

Maybe it was easier for him, disappearing like that. But it hurt, more than I wanted to admit. He was the first person who made me feel seen, like I could be June and it was okay. And then he was gone.
Jade kept listening to me, looking at my soft tears damping my cheeks, she wanted to tell me something but, words were at the tip of her tongue, refusing to be heard...so she kept silent.

JUNE: even now years later
JUNE: i still keep that keychain
JUNE: im no longer a fan of nic
JUNE: and i never liked pickes
JUNE: but dave
JUNE: maybe
JUNE: maybe things could have been different
JUNE: but i certainly dont want to forget
JUNE: about that summer
JUNE: the summer when I found myself
JUNE: even if it was also the summer I lost him
JADE: :(

In some ways, I think that was the first time I really understood what it meant to care about someone, to really like them in a way that went beyond anything I’d read in books or seen in movies. It was real, and it mattered, even if it didn’t last.

And maybe, wherever he is, he still remembers that summer too. Maybe he still has the other half of that promise, even if he couldn’t keep it.

Because for a while, we were just two kids who found something real...

JUNE: ... who liked each other
JUNE: and
JUNE: the world took it from us
JUNE: and pulled us apart