Date: November 11, 2024
I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed.
I've been also playing a lot of Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocture (or Lucifer's Call whatever you fancy). I miss playing JRPGS... also for a notoriously 'unforgiving' game... I must say, I'm still the same doofus when I was 10; getting lost (sometimes) + my hyperfixation to explore the whole map and talk to every NPC + never refusing a fight = being overleveled.
I'm exploring Rabat! A wise teacher (or so my auntie told me) said "Be A Tourist in Your Own Hometown". Since I'm techincally staying here for 3 years, I really want to explore every nook and cranny of Rabat :3
(I wonder if I can record my experience (and spots visited) here... well hopefully I can... I have a lot of trouble keeping up with everything going in my life now)
Oooh- and I'm still drawing, a lot... 'drawing to me is like breathing' isn't a a hyperbole. I won't be breathing now if it wasn't for drawing.
I've enrolled in a shit-ton of clubs... I guess I'm paying the price now.
I'm mentally exhausted... welp, that's what's really going on.
Date: October 19, 2024
Here is what I've been doing lately:
I've been rekindling my love for video games, particularly tactical RPGs/rogue-likes, by playing Invisible Inc. I've also been experimenting with HTML and CSS on this website while trying my best to attend classes. I've joined tons of school clubs, started learning some C programming... got that TeXStudio pssst: expect some well structured classnotes soon!, and spent time drawing and doodling in my free time! Oh, and I'm still translating Paradox Space comics to French for fun ;)