Added a new webpage for my Japanese learning! Check it out!
If there are any changes on the website, well, I'll let you know here!
Click on each month!
Added a new webpage for my Japanese learning! Check it out!
Added a new 'Now' and 'Open diary' entry :3
Joined the Bucket webring! and added some moar cool sites! :D
Joined two webrings (WiiRing & No AI) and added 'cool websites' link on my home page :D
Added an imood on my 'Now' page!
Added useful links for Prépa students under 'Projects'.
I'm back from the dead, and just added a new 'Now' entry.
Website is back online too.
Slightly updated the last paragraph on my introduction page ;)
Due to personal reasons, Paradox Space French translation will be on hiatus. Thank you for understanding :)
Added a new Paradox Space comic french translation: A Friend In Need - Une Amie Dans Le Besoin
[FR] Je ne me sens toujours pas aussi bien, mais j'espère pouvoir rester consistant.e et continuer de poster les traductions. | [EN] I still don't feel so good, but I hope I can stay consistent and keep posting the translations.
There is no news... happy 11/11 everyone :) (huh?) Happy 13th birthday to Sburb Alpha's launch!!!
Boy... there is a lot of shtuff that needs to be done, and I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed.
Added TWO paradox spaces comic translations...Spritecon & Holiday activities! | [FR] Lire les BDs Paradox Space en français!!! | [ENG] Read Paradox Space comics in french!!! I could do oopsie-daisies, lemme know if it happens!
Technically not related to the website, but relevant, added an Instagram post to notify friends and family! :D French-speaking Homestuck fans are a rare breed! And, if they exist, well, most of them know a bit of English! | Link to the Instagram post. I make these on Canva by the way! :3 it does the job quickly I think... and uuh... for those who don't know, I edit the comics on Photoshop! Haha, yeah, best of both worlds!
Fixed the problem with looking up stuff on research bar turns out I just forgot to put the "id" xOOOO
Well then folks, I've written my first newsletter ever... and apparently, it goes straight to the spam folder and it's super wordy, but hey! At least it has pictures on it :3
I'll be linking it later to the Newsletter page. And I'll be considering how to operate listmonk.app or perhaps mautic.org. Mailchimp shadow banned me cauz they detected a no-no word (see: fuck) and i didn't enjoy using their services that much! x( It's been fun y'all see ya until the part two of this newsletter (next week) :D
A new day, but to me, it's just another long night, where the clock hits 01:43 am I'm staying up late to do weird insignificant thing but highly rewarding. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
Added instagram feed, inspired by Evan Chen. He taught me once during National Mathematical Olympiads (NaMO 2022)... check out his stuff, he's really awesome :D (and I like his fashion style too!)
It's been a nightmare to make it work, but I've discovered a miracle called <iframe>.
Seems insignificant change, but needs to be said: Added Contact Page. Oh, and if you have a keen eye of detail and have been with me, now, each spot is "seperated"... yep... took me long enough!
Oh yeah, also you must have noticed the FLAMING HOT NEW... you would also have noticed I lied, and there is still nothing
(yet *wink*)... Except of the
News segment you guess... I don't think I'd remove the
from 'News'... Dear, I've never thought of it... You're all witnessing a live 01:54 am reaction, I should really get some sleep, I have class tomorrow-- erm... I mean 'today'.
You know, I've been a bit angry and to blow some steam off, I got my hands metaphorically dirty... I feel much better, that and I have nice company :D hamdoulilah
As usual, being mobile friendly was very important to me building this. It's now 02:06 am... Goodnight and Jumuaa Mubaraka.
Goddamn it, I've been super-effing-busy lately. I had to catch up a LOT of classes I missed... oof x(
Oh, and for those who've noticed, yeah, the website's well... changed a bit. Turns out putting all your eggs in the same basket, isn't the wisest ideas... and that include the spaghetti i cooked on one single html file... yeah... a nightmare to edit!
So now, I've been working to fix the website, especially that I accidentally broke it last time and there are soooo many oof-ed links.
Man, so many things happened too, in my personal life, on my academics, the not-so-academic-but-nonetheless-very-important club work and attending various (and a lot, oh my god) career IT events, and "the economy" too apparently (huh?)... dear god
I know this isn't the spot to talk about this, but, things have been hard lately for me... especially in a new chapter of my life... that's why I could't update the website as much as frequently as I used to.
Hmmm... but I've gotten a a bit better at some stuff, hopefully I'll get to share here some new ideas :D
Added pictures to the Open Diary timeline...!
Added instagram feed.
Its been forever, I've been terribly sick last week... But I promise the comic translation and the newsletter and hopefully the classnotes too shall be delivered!!!
I'm moving some stuff and making new webpages, super sorry for the broken links!
i should upd8 the now page too... hmmmm... woah, so many things to do, stuff pile up so fast when i'm gone a week!
Hmmmmmmm.... I should dust off the code here the only thing I know how to cook is spaghetti code. And I realllllllllly should divide each segment on this webpage to make it manageable... And website customization too, I wanna learn CSS so I could do some cool tricks!!!
Added a './now' page!!
Adeeeeeeed a favicon! Yes, the cute thingy image you can see on your browser tab! It's one of Jade's shirt icons!
Changed the 'ARTICLE' tag under Projects to 'WRITING'... Could be a bit misleading, since writing means a lot of things, but that's the best thing I came up with to solve the 'AR' tag displaying 'ARTICLE'-tagged objects... a lazy person's solution, I know
Added a Now page :D and with it, a new cool format quirk that's mobile friendly.
Added a new Open Diary entry: 'An Adventure at the Forum GENI Entreprises Career Fair'
Added a new cool widget
Made the Guestbook even pinker
Added a Guestbook! You can go sign it here if you enjoyed your stay here :D
New diary entry... about the future of my Homestuck translations. TL;DR: I'm stepping back from translating the Homestuck Epilogues due to time constraints but will continue weekly Paradox Space comic translations (and may release written notes and cross-publish my work). Thank you for sticking in <3
Published Ribbons and Scars, a short (Homestuck fan)comic for Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Read more about Breast Cancer on WHO.
Just finished translating CANDY - BONBON page 2!
Published two NEW translations of Paradox Space comics!
Added a new feature (that still needs to be updated to all Paradox Space comics): LOADING SCREEN! Yep! Finito sprinting and skipping pages! Your new best bug "Loading..." will make sure ALL pages are ready for your personal enjoyement ;)
Published and made promotional poster for Instagram! Haha, you can check it out here! (It's so fun to design stuff omg xD)
Added a new short Homestuck fanfic : "The Bright Blue Diamond Stratosphere" which you can read on AO3 here :D
Just finished translating CANDY - BONBON page 2! Still unpublished, that's for tomorrow xD
I made a progression tracker sheet which you can check here for Homestuck Epilogues French Translation "Les Epilogues Homestuck". Full transparency AND visibility on progress being made on this (passion) project!
Not THAT important, but added the "Date Format: DAY/MONTH/YEAR" to the News Log section. :D
Added two Open Diary entries
Today's been nice :D
Translated and added the Monopoly article I've written, you can check it out in PROJECTS/ARTICLE :)
Included three previous "Book Talk" suggestions entries and today's two new ones! Check them here!
Oh my gosh, I can't believe I've done it, I've added what I've had in mind since *day one*, what a great way to celebrate this after a September recap: I am super honored to introduce yoooooooooou to my Newsletter!!!
I know I haven't uploaded my class notes, but I'm writing them! Hopefully I'd have some free time! Also, yesterday has been terrific. There was a whole event going on, welp, I still have to tell you about it on my diary!
I just figured I wasn't using "index.html" for my diary, welp, now it's fixed:
Added a whoooole new thing! "Book Talk" Daily Suggestions: Check it out!
Updated the Book Talk website to make it mobile friendly
Oh goddamn it, I should technically add Latex to my skills! GOsh, gotta upd8 my resumeeee!!
New diary entry: Teaching (Graph Theory) is Cool... But the Real World isn't
Added a new Paradox Space comic translation: Birds and Bees - Les Cygones et les Choux.
I guess posted stuff too on Instagram : Homestuck Babel and Art account I keep having second thoughts about the plateform I've chosen, but meh, for the time being, it works I guess, an experimental playground.
Oh yeah, and I might wanna try to add a Now page.
Since I started cooking, I added some recipes on My Cookbook... What? Were you expecting a chef? Nah, that's like a diary but for food... a food diary... except it's about what I cook, capisce?
Also, hmm.. weird, I don't understand why the "AR" (Arabic) tag under projects shows "Article"-s too... :? welp, that's for another upd8!!!... Speaking of the devil, Homestuck Beyond Canon upd8ed!!!!
Added a Facebook Page (wip)
OOf! Rehaul-ed the diary (and added a Night/Day Mode toggle button!) Check it out!
Added new diary entry
Hmmm... the night/day button looks clunky on mobile, welp, that's for another upd8 -- erm, I meant, update xD
Added Drive Link to my class ressources
Also psst: published Meat/Viande Page 2 translation... It's currently being proof-read!
Added Graph Theory class notes
(It's midnight in my time zone bear with me xP)
Tried to fix the open diary, welp at least now technically it's readable on mobile, now we have both broken links AND broken javascript AND gosh the formatting isn't THAT great... PeRfEcT
Browsed web-templates, appealing but, I like making shtuff myself here... aaand I guess I'm considering making an (art) portfolio...
I wanna make an RSS/Newsletter feed too but... I gotta figure out some stuff too x)
Added 'Comptes-Rendus' of (some) of the Concours Centrale tests I passed. You can find them under the [CPGE] tag! (in case I take down abbyprepa strawpage xP)
Added 23/09/2024 and 24/09/2024 Class Notes.
Made the 404 webpage cooler
Just realized how awful the full-text diary looks on mobile... but that's for another upd8 :P
Changed the About image - credits to mousequeer on PicMix
Goofed around a bit and added (yet another) Monopoly related work :P
Updated my resume/CV
Created a HAL account to submit my (silly) Monopoly work, submitted it as a suggestion to "Pour la Science" too :)
I *might* also consider (later): SSRN, Zenodo... and maybe pester other journals?
Added "ARTICLE" tag to "Projects"
Added Breaking the Box: WHY Art and Science Aren't Opposite—THEY are Soulmates
Specified that my work is CC0 unless stated otherwise under 'Projects'
Wanted to try Analytics (Google Analytics and even GoatCounter), but failed miserably because of Content Security Policy (CSP)... I still need to dust off the (unsucessful) scripts from the webpages (sorry ^^')
Added new translations: 1st Candy page (on github) and a Paradox Space SBHAJ comic (on my website).
Added a timeline and a new webpage for my diary :) I'm so sorry for the broken links atm, I'll fix them soon!
Added today's class notes (I'm so sorry "Architecture des Ordinateurs" class).
Added new button "[FR] Notes de Cours" and new section of School notes
Added (of course) today's note (using LateX baby)
Added an old (originally created in 03/08/2024) file of advice for CPGE students preparing their TIPE [FR][AR]
Removed all of that, and implemented a search bar system xP
Added new tag [TRANSLATION] and [ENSIAS]
(Note to self: dust off the spaghetti code)
Made (and added) my CV!
Added Icons and cool CSS effects to my socials :D
Made and added a PicMix GIF... Making one is oddly therapeutic
Added the [VID] tag for video content
Made (and refined) the Github page to host the Homestuck Epilogues French translation
Updated my socials
Archived my Notion (old) CPGE notes
Dusted off this website a bit ^^'
Made Projects section more readable
Added 'Remember longcat, Jane?' translation to the website
I finished translating the Epilogues' Prologue and their Content Warnings... the real question is: MEAT or CANDY? xP
Moved the 'Fanfic' to the 'Projects' section and added the tag [FANFIC]
Added Ko-fi!
Linked my (old) strawpage websites
Added CPGE related stuff (Comptes Rendus/TIPE) and my ResearchGate profile
Added tags [FR], [CPGE], [AR] and [ENG] for readability
Started (and finished) translating Homestuck Beta in Arabic
Added (even more) Paradox Space French Translation comics
Fixed (or rather, replaced) mobile swipe
Added Paradox Space French Translation comics
Added Homestuck Epilogues French Translation
Prototyping the Cookbook Concept.